“It's a misunderstood masterpiece, they said. The action is breathtaking, they said. The visuals are beautiful, they said. The Wachowskis are innovativ”

"Watch Some jerk with a Camera. He is the best internet reviewer tight now."

"1. Rick and Morty 2. Breaking Bad 3. Monty Python's Flying Circus 4. Daredevil 5. Mystery Science Theater 3000 6. Gravity Falls 7. Jessica Jones 8. Steven Universe 9. The Simpsons 10. Arrested Develop"

"Of course Bert Macklin would put GOTG at number 1."

"I'm glad that Disney is less obsessed with their pop now than they were a few years ago."

"Has The Evil Dead been suggested? That's on Netflix Instant."

"Sex Panther cologne is now available? I'll have to buy some..."

"Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Monty Python and the Holy Grail Airplane! Raiders of the Lost Ark The Lion King The Muppet Movie The Iron Giant Toy Story The Dark Knight The Lord of the Rings: The Re"

"1. Harrison Ford (Han Solo from Star Wars) vs. Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones from Raiders of the Lost Ark) 2. Christopher Reeve (Superman from Superman: The Movie) vs. Adam West (Batman from Batman: Th"

"There are a few movies on the list that I want to see, and many more that I wouldn't watch without the help of Rifftrax or Brad Jones!"

"No, Once Upon a Forest was released by 20th Century Fox and made by Hannah-Barbera."

"Was your comment about Superman killing Lois Lane during intercourse a reference to Mallrats? If so, nice reference."

"Ghostbusters 2 coming to Blu-ray! https://twitter.com/#!/dan_aykroyd/status/182618889753071616"